Core Java Syllabus
01. Language
02. Software
03. Basic Programming
18. Project 3
17. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
16. Java New Features
15. Collections
14. Arrays
13. Multithreading and Synchronization
04. Java Basics
05. OOP's Concept
06. Exception Handling
07. Control Statements
08. Strings
09. AWT & Swing
12. Project 3
(Notepad Editor)
11. File I/O and
10. Project 3
(Tic-Tac-Toe Game)
1. Languages basics
1.1 Categories of languages
2. Software Installation
2.1 JDK Installation
3. Basic Programming Terminologies
3.1 Data type
3.2 Variables
3.3 Literals
3.4 Operators
3.5 Keywords
3.6 Constants
3.7 Identifiers
3.8 Lexical tokens
4. Java basics
4.1 What is java
4.2 History of java
4.3 Features of java
4.4 JDK, JRE and JVM
4.5 Simple Hello java program
4.6 Explanation of java program, compile and run
4.7 Setting temporary and permanent of java classpath
4.8 Deep architecture of JVM
5. Control Statements
5.1 Conditional statements (if, if-else, nested if, switch)
5.2 Iteration/looping statements (for, while, do-while, for-each)
5.3 Jump statements (break, continue, return)
5.4 Programs (including recursion)
6. OOP’s Concept
6.1 Class
6.2 Methods
6.3 Objects
6.4 Constructors
6.5 Relationship between classes (IS-A [Inheritance, HAS-A [Composition])
6.6 Polymorphism
6.7 Encapsulation
6.8 Abstraction
6.9 Interfaces
6.10 Keywords (this, super, static, final)
6.11 Packages
6.11.1 Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
6.11.2 Package as Access Protection
6.11.3 Defining Package
6.11.4 Naming Convention For Packages
6.12 Access modifiers
7. AWT and Swings (GUI Programming)
7.1 Different GUI technology in java
7.2 Starting, relation of AWT and Swing
7.3 Event handling
8. Project 1 (Tic-Tac-Toe Game)
9. Exception Handling
9.1 Exceptions and errors with diagram
9.2 Types of exceptions
9.3 Checked and unchecked exceptions
9.4 Control Flow In Exceptions
9.5 try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
9.6 try-with-resource
9.7 In-built and User Defined (custom) Exceptions
10. Strings
10.1 Character
10.2 What is String
10.3 CharSequence Interface
10.4 String class
10.5 Methods of String class
10.6 How to create String (2 ways)
10.7 String constant pool
10.8 Explanation of creating objects with new and without new keyword (with memory in heap and String constant pool)
10.9 Garbage collection for strings
10.10 StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes and methods
10.11 Difference between String and StringBuffer........StringBuffer and StringBuilder
10.12 Important points for string
11. File I/O and Serialization
11.1 I/O Streams
11.1.1 Byte Stream
11.1.2 Character Stream
11.2 File class
11.3 Serialization
11.4 transient keyword
11.5 PROJECTS : Notepad, Antivirus
12. Project 2 (Notepad Editor)
13. Multithreading and Synchronization
13.1 What is multithreading
13.2 Life cycle of thread
13.3 Creating of threads
13.4 Thread scheduler
13.5 Other topics
13.5.1 Calling a thread twice
13.5.2 Calling run() instead of start()
13.6 Methods of thread (naming a thread, sleeping a thread, daemon thread,
joining a thread)
13.7 Thread priority
13.8 Performing single/multiple tasks from single/multiple thread
13.9 Thread pool
13.10 Thread group
13.11 Other Topics
13.11.1 RunTime class
13.11.2 Robot class
13.12 Synchronization
13.12.1 synchronization block
13.12.2 static synchronization
13.12.3 Deadlock in java
13.12.4 inter-thread communication
13.12.5 Interrupting a thread
14. Arrays
14.1 Arrays Introduction
14.2 Types of Arrays
14.3 Arrays Programs
15. Collections
15.1 Collection Framework API and diagram
15.2 Java Collection Interfaces
15.3 Java Collection Classes
15.4 Map Concept
15.5 Comparable & Comparator Interface
15.6 Difference between all the classes and interfaces
15.7 enum, enumerator and Iterator
15.8 Generics
16. Java new features
16.1 Java features in each version
16.2 Default & Static methods, Functional Interfaces
16.3 Lambda Functions
16.4 Predefined Functional Interfaces
16.5 Stream API
16.6 Method Reference and Constructor Reference
16.7 Date & Time API
17. Java JDBC
17.1 JDBC Introduction
17.2 JDBC Working
17.3 CRUD Operations
18. Project 3 (Any one from below) :
18.1 Company architecture
18.2 Employee payroll
18.3 College placement cell
18.4 Online examination
18.5 Book Shop
18.6 Contact Book
18.7 Billing System
18.8 Attendance System
18.9 Doctor Hospital management
18.10 KBC Game
18.11 Food portal
18.12 Airline or railway reservation
18.13 College admission
18.14 Online examination
18.15 Banking
18.16 Library management
18.17 Event Management
18.18 Online shopping
18.19 Hotel management
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